Keaton VanderHart

Business Teacher

Mr. Vander Hart has taught for 10 years. He teachers Business Essentials, Keyboarding, Principles of Marketing, and Marketing Management. He is also the sponsor for FCA. He received his bachelors from Kansas State University and his Masters from Emporia State University.

 Business Essentials

Business Essentials is the perfect way to begin both the Marketing and Finance pathways. This course gives students an overview of business, marketing, entreprenuership, finance, and accounting.

 Principles of Marketing

TV Commericals, billboards, fancy packaging, store sales, Facebook, junk mail etc. Everyday you are confronted with hundreds of different marketing strategies and tactics.


This course provides students with an introduction to the keyboard and proper keystroke techniques. Students will develop keyboard proficiency, document production skills, and problem-solving skills.

  Marketing Management & Audit

Take what you learned in Marketing and apply it to a real business – Common Grounds Coffee. Generate new, fresh ideas and marketing tactics to help sell as much product as possible.

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